
exercise 5.1: Create a bibliography without citing

Generate a bibliography in your word processor by selecting at least 3 references from Zotero. There are at least 2 ways to do it.

exercise 5.2: Cite while you write

Insert 3 citations and then create a bibliography

  1. Write a few lines about your area of expertise.

  2. In your text, cite at least 3 documents that are saved in Zotero. TIPS: use the Zotero button in your word processor + you are free to select any citation style.

  3. Generate a bibliography

exercise 5.3: Zotero and LaTeX ?

  • If you use Overleaf, what are the steps to link Overleaf to Zotero ?
  • If you use LaTeX locally, you can export your Zotero library to use it with your LaTeX source file : what is the format of the file you need to export from Zotero ?

Answers and personal notes

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