From Zotero to the word processor

Zotero integrated very well with Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer and OpenOffice Writer. There are several ways to add references from a Zotero library in a word processor.

First, both Zotero and the word processor have to be open. Then, to be able to use the interactive features, you need to have a Zotero button in your word processor. Can you see it? If not, in Zotero, open the Preferences panel and go to Cite > Word Processors and click on the "reinstall [name of the word processor] Add-in" button.

Zotero and LaTeX

It's also possible to use Zotero with LaTeX.

With Overleaf

To connect overleaf with your Zotero library go to "settings" and look for "link to Zotero". Your overleaf account is now linked to your Zotero library. In your paper, create a new file uploaded from Zotero with the .bib extension. This file contains your entire Zotero library in bibtex format. For each reference, the first line is the key you have to use for citing.

Example: \cite{jawahar_viena_2019}

With TexMaker

Export your references from Zotero in a bibtex file. The file will not be up to date in case if you add, modify or remove references in Zotero. Use the keys in the same way as previously for citing.

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